Social-pastoral care and help for migrant women  


For more than 20 years the Salvatorian sisters in Jordan have been committed to migrant workers from Asia and Africa. Women from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Philippines, as well as women from Ethiopia and Kenya who work in Jordan as domestic workers or in textile factories, are often exposed to great risks in many Middle Eastern countries or become victims of human trafficking.


Lured with false promises    
The disenfranchisement usually begins in the countries of origin, where so-called ‘recruitment agencies’ often recruit women and girls with false promises.

Local employment agencies in Jordan often fail to provide migrant women with copies of their employment contracts when they enter the country. In many cases, identity documents are confiscated.

Life in illegality

Situations arise in which women are treated randomly. Their employers lock them up and prohibit them from having contact with the outside world. Domestic violence and sexual abuse are not uncommon. In desperation, the women flee without papers or try to take their own lives. The result is serious physical and psychological damage.

For us Salvatorian Sisters, it is important to support people in their distress, to stand by them and to protect their dignity in a culture that is foreign to them, where they are easily exposed to humiliation and all kinds of violations

We are committed to ensuring that migrant women in Jordan have fair working and living conditions. We help women who fail, are thrown off track and are on their own.

We help them to free themselves from ignorance, illness, poverty and all forms of oppression and to open themselves up to the goodness and love of God.


We, Salvatorian Sisters in Amman

  • organise meetings and workshops and carry out educational work and trainings
  • offer Psychological, social and pastoral counselling
  • visit women living in precarious conditions
    in the slums.
  • accompany women in ‘shelters’ and in prisons, provide legal advice and obtain identity documents
  • advise women and help them with correspondence with the authorities

It is an important social and pastoral task. We offer help and look for common paths and solutions.. About 100 women and their children are beneficiaries of our work and mission

Around 5.200 euros annually is necessary
to cover all costs



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Protection of Nature
Pastoral Care


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